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Step #1 - Please click the "Buy Now" icon to begin the process of registering for the Constitutional Curriculum / Software Document Management System.
Note:  If you "DO NOT" have a PayPal Account Register:  Pay Pal Registration
           Then come back to this page [Registration] and go to (Step #1) in order to complete the billing information.
Step #2 - Fill the following registration fields in either in the billing information. The following fields are required to be filled out: (see below:)

               1) First Name
               2) Last Name
               3) Email Address
Step #3 A confirmation will be sent to your email address, which shall be filled in the billing information (Step #2).
              A Username and Password will also be sent to your email address along with instructions on how to use the
              Constitutional Curriculum / Document Management Software. You are complete!
Terms of Agreement