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    Ph.D, Mgt. Professor, Ret. Harvey Bauman - Blowing Rock, North Carolina

    Excellent research resources in the Constitutional Guides assembled by Sam Pearce -- he has done a massive job of gathering appropriate accurate data and presents that in an easy to use and understandable format -- a scholarly accomplishment!

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    Deon Long - Attorney, Winter Park Florida

    For anyone who wants to get an introduction to the thoughts of the founding fathers at the dawn of the Republic I would strongly recommend the trio of books written by Samuel Pearce. These include, "Constitutional Guide to Money,Finances, & Taxes", "Constitutional Guide to State Sovereignty & Individual Liberty" and "Rediscovering the Constitution in the 21st Century". Not only do the aforementioned titles canvass the political beliefs of the founding fathers and of those political philosophers that influenced them but, they make the case of why these ideas are relevant today. Mr. Pearce understands the importance of autonomous and sovereign states for a functioning Republic as contemplated by the founding fathers and makes the case in his books. The overarching themes of the books is that Americans should be wary of a centralized federal government, as we were warned by the founding fathers, and we should utilize the tools given by the founding fathers to thwart federal encroachment on individual liberty. These include strong states and sound money.

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    Alex Snitker, Liberty Underground - Tampa Bay, Florida

    The book provides a new way of looking at the foundations of our Constitution Republic. The material provides the reader a renaissance of information ranging from monetary policy, taxes, state sovereignty, and property rights, which is not reported in the media. The American people are looking for solutions to our current economic and social problems that face this republic and the book material provides those. If you are interested in freedom, liberty, and have a curiosity to new ideas this book material is for you.

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