The book "Rediscovering the Constitution in the 21st Century" provides a contemporary and historical analysis of the Constitution.
The chapter material contains detailed topics, which include national sovereignty, property rights, states' rights, and the 2nd Amendment.
This book provides information on modern day thinkers and economists along with strategies to abolish the income tax and Federal Reserve System. It contains political solutions to a sound monetary system, free enterprise economy, and restoring the foundations of liberty.
This book "Constitutional Guide to State Sovereignty & Individual Liberty" contains references, quotes, and excerpts about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers’ views on states’ rights and individual liberty. At your fingertips are informative quotes from the Founding Fathers about state sovereignty (chapter 1), the Articles of Confederation (chapter 2), James Madison’s Virginia Resolution of 1798 (chapter 3), and Thomas Jefferson’s Kentucky Resolution of 1798 (chapter 4). George Mason’s Virginia Declaration of Rights (chapter 5) served as a framework for the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution. In the Rights of the Colonists (chapter 6), Samuel Adams outlined the rights of the colonists and the natural state of man, which is to be independent.
There are many more chapters contained in this book.
This book contains references, quotes, and excerpts about the Constitution and the Founding Fathers’ views on money, finances, and taxes. It provides an analysis of the value of money, which consists of standard weights and measures that were derived from Biblical principles. The content includes the constitutional tax structure, which consists of tonnages, imposts, and duties.
Throughout history, the debasement of money—reducing the intrinsic value of a coin by increasing its base-metal content or printing more paper money than the amount in demand—has been used by rulers and governments for various reasons.

This book contains the political philosophy of the Founding Fathers regarding property, contracts, land, and farming. The Founding Fathers believed that it was necessary to restrict the powers delegated to the federal government under the Constitution in order to protect the rights of an individual to exclusive possession of property, which in the Founders minds meant everything to which they could attach a value—including freedom of opinions, ideas, speech, and commerce. It places at your fingertips informative quotes, references, and excerpts from the writings of the Founders themselves and from other sources to give a background and context to the concepts that went into the framing of the U.S. Constitution.
The book provides the foundations of a free enterprise economy, which includes the establishment of commerce, the history of intellectual property, and the birth of manufacturing in America. Adam
Smith and Alexander Hamilton wrote numerous publications and volumes detailing the components of a free market system through their observations of property rights and contracts from various
countries. Other material includes Paul Revere's history as an entrepreneur along with inventors such as Thomas Jefferson and Eli Whitney who established the foundations of wealth and prosperity
for this nation.

The book contains the writings of ancient philosophers, the context of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers, along with written publications from the Founding Fathers
regarding their observations of various ancient civilizations. Written journals contained in the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers provide a historical
context of tyrannical governments that disregarded the protection of individual sovereignty and property rights. The Founding
Fathers historical analysis provided insight on how to achieve the most appropriate and limited form of government,
which included a series of debates at the Constitutional Convention.
