The video provides information about the workforce, commerce,
production, and wages, which are directly tied to the monetary system. The
video gives a unique perspective of Austrian economics and the Constitution.
Jim Puplava talks about the 2nd phase of financial repression,
which includes the amount of government debt, regulations, higher
taxes, and inflation.
Jim Puplava talks about the current state of affairs with the banking system along with the
book "The Creature of Jeckyll Island". G. Edward Griffin talks about the Federal Reserve system.
The Federalist Papers were written for the promotion of the ratification of the
Constitution. These papers were written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and
John Jay. Thomas Jefferson stated that the Federalist Papers was the "best commentary
on the principles of government which ever was written".
James Madison is known for being the father of the Constitution. He was a key proponent
who helped influenced the ratification of the United States Constitution.
Madison also one of the authors of the Federalist Papers.
On March 1775, at the third Virginia convention, held in St. John's Church in
Richmond, Patrick Henry made his timeless "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!" speech
to discuss relations with Great Britain. King George had declared all 13 North
American colonies to be in a state of open rebellion.